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Gift It Your Best


Gift It Your Best



Icy Blue Pearl

❄ On My Wish List Dip Nails Color Collection: Take your holiday inspiration and add these dip nail polish colors to your wish list this winter season! Inspired by holiday cheer with elegance, get your hands on these six new nail dip this holiday season.

❄ On My Wish List Dip Nail Powder Color Featured: Gift It Your Best is an icy blue pearl nail dip coming in our 1.5 oz. Make it your winter dipping powder of choice this holiday season!

❄ The Application Process: Gelish Soak Off Dip Powder Colors utilizes specially formulated soak off technology and specially designed color pigments to create the ultimate in quick dry nail options. Our dipping powder is an easy application and can be used for accents and nail art with applications your imagination can only dream of!

❄ Pair This Nail Powder Dip With: Apply the Gelish Nail Dip Prep to clean off the nail followed by the Gelish Dip Base Coat. Gelish Dip Activator On My Wish List Dip Powder shade will be applied followed by the Gelish Dip Powders Top Coat.

❄ Gelish Xpress Dip Nail Powder: Xpress Dip offers technicians up to 21 days of wear in an odor-free, vitamin-infused formula. In addition, our new powders have been created with revolutionary ColorFusion technology that incorporates the activator into the dip powder nails formula for a faster, more even application with no brittleness or brush hardening. Xpress Dip nail dipping powder also contain Calcium and Biotin making them nail friendly

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