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Meet Nancy Muralles, veteran nail technician, nail competitor and Gelish Dean of Education.

Read on to discover her nail story as well as some of her favorite things. Nancy Muralles was born in El Salvador, but has lived most of her life in Vancouver, Canada. She is a licensed nail technician with more than 10 years of experience, including accreditation from the North American School of Podology, where she specializes in pedicure services for clients with diabetes and geriatric problems. As an educator, she has traveled the world teaching students the art of nails. Her career goal is to take everything she's learned from some of the best in the industry and pay it forward to burgeoning nail technicians.

Nancy is doing nails bottle of foundaton flex

First Job:

I volunteered for Beauty Days at my church, and I still do it to this day! I'm a huge believer in using your gifts/talent for giving back to the community.

Go-To Product:

Foundation Flex, hands-down, has been amazing both for me and my clients. The flexibility it has to work with the natural nail plate is amazing, and it allows the nails to grow. Plus, it comes in so many different natural shades that clients can walk around with what appears to be beautiful natural nails.


Proudest Career Moment:

I actually have two proud moments: The first is when I was invited to join the Gelish Dean of Education team in 2022. I still get goose bumps when I think about it! It means so much to me because it's such a rare position, and I have the great privilege to continue to grow and learn among the amazing group of Deans. And the second is when I won 1st and 2nd place in Nailympia Canada. I love the rush of competition!

Nancy in the middle with other two co-woker Nancy on her classroom

Favorite Way to Celebrate the Holidays:

We are a Latino household, which means there are a lot of people, so from figuring out who's the Secret Santa and who's bringing what to dinner to rushing home from church to eat dinner and open gifts before midnight on the 24th, it's a crazy mess — but I wouldn't have it any other way!

New Year's Resolution:

Get back into the competition ring! It's tough because there are so many amazing competitors and it's a little intimidating. But I love to just be in that space, soaking in that wonderful vibe and pushing myself past my comfort zone. I hope I get to surprise myself once again this year!

Nancy family Nancy nail competition certificate
chrismas nail with green/white color chrismas nail with white/red color
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